337.300.4476 | 217 Garber Rd., Broussard, La 70518 |


Yes, we allow up to two weeks off at our full-time rates to take off AS LONG AS WE KNOW BY MAY 1ST. (We also work with parents on part time/every other week options).

We have three open houses scheduled in early May or sooner and these dates are usually posted to our website and our Facebook page by April.
ALL campers must fill out new paperwork each year before summer. ALL parents must attend one open house each year as details change from year to year. Also, we can not handle paperwork, and handing out shirts on our first day of camp as we are focused mainly on care of the children at this time. PARENTS WHO MISS THE OPEN HOUSE (we have three options to fit your schedule) WILL BE CHARGED $25.00 PER CHILD FOR ADDITIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS. ANY PARENT WHO MISSES OPEN HOUSE WILL HAVE 5 BUSINESS DAYS AFTER OUR LAST OPEN HOUSE TO COMPLETE ALL PAPERWORK OR THEY WILL LOSE THEIR SPOT.
Yes, this helps with safety on field trips and organization into groups at our facility.
The pool we go to has a 1.5 foot deep kiddie pool for all non-swimmers.
During the Summer, swimming is a recurring activity that is offered to campers. We realize the importance of safety on all field trips, but especially on trips to the pool. At open house, parents will be asked to decide what depth of water their child will be allowed to swim in. Depending on the depth, the child will be issued a specific color wrist band so that the trained lifeguards as well as staff can ensure the child remains in that area. Children given permission by their parents to swim in the deeper depths of the pool must also pass a safety swim test issued by the lifeguards. We also have between 5-6 lifeguards and 4-6 counselors on duty at all times at the pool. Parents are always welcome to come by and check us out at the pool if they would like.

We CANNOT take campers due to State Regulations until the child’s fifth birthday. They may start as soon as they turn five and have already attended kindergarten.

Yes, campers wear color coded shirts and are split into groups based on age. There are times when all campers are together, for example: drop off, pick up, and when we have onsite performers.

Registration for summer opens December 1st and may be completed online through our website. After registration, you have until April 15 to select your weeks through our Sawyer registration system. There, you may choose to pay weekly during the summer or pay in full. The system will automatically calculate discounts based on your selections. You may also choose a part time option then.

No, to continue offering our camps at an affordable cost, (we strive to offer more for less) auto payment is a MUST.